While the entire LWVPBA membership may agree to take action on a local issue at each year's annual meeting, LWVPBA also has several active committees that work from year-to-year to support national, state, and local priorities. Explore the committee descriptions on this page and feel free to contact any committee chair for more information. Members are free to join any committee that interests them.
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Communications Committee
Committee Objective: Everything a League does involves communications: voter services, citizen information, advocacy, membership, fund-raising, etc. The key is making sure that our League's message is focused, that it is heard and understood, and that it will have the maximum impact. It must be built into every activity and project on the League's agenda.
The League’s visibility in the community depends largely on how successful it is in getting stories carried by the print and electronic media. Our most basic tool for communicating with members and the larger community is our newsletter, The Voter. However we also communication via email, social media (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube), and of course, via our website.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom or via email as needed.
Vivian Faircloth, Chair
Education Committee
Committee Objective: The Education Committee works in support of public schools, to improve student outcomes, and to foster civic knowledge and engagement. We collaborate with both Santa Rosa County and Escambia County School Districts. We also work closely with the LWVPBA Social Justice Committee in the field of Juvenile Justice. Our local work complements and supports the LWV Florida Education and Juvenile Justice Committees.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 PM.
Paula Montgomery, Chair
Tricia Spencer, Chair
Gun Safety Committee
Committee Objective: The Gun Safety Committee is involved with making the public aware of gun-related issues such as unsafe storage, gun theft, suicide by gun, Red Flag Laws, and guns used in domestic abuse. This year we hope to partner with other local agencies in this endeavor to expand our effectiveness.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom the fourth Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM
TBA, Chair
Membership Committee
Committee Objective: The Membership Committee supports membership growth by actively recruiting, retaining, and engaging members. Members of the committee identify potential new members, contact lapsed members, and engage current members. Occasionally the membership committee will provide input and feedback regarding membership needs, programs and policies.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom the second Monday of each month at 5:00 PM
Natural Resources Committee
Committee Objective: The NRC supports energy conservation, greater use of renewable resources, responsible growth management, and preservation of trees and use of native plants. Projects: Currently, the NRC is working to prevent open burning and open detonation of munitions at Eglin Air Force Base, decrease single use plastics, prevent clear-cutting by builders and developers, strengthen and enforce the Pensacola tree ordinance and promote the use of native plants in landscaping.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom on the second Monday of each month at 11:00 AM.
Enid Sisskin, Chair
Shirley Lewis-Brown, Chair
Social Justice Committee
Committee Objectives: The major goal of this committee is to study how children and juveniles are treated by law enforcement and the courts. LWV supports systems that encourage prevention and diversion. The committee also focuses on the Restoration of Voting Rights for returning citizens. Many of these citizens do not know that they have the right to vote or how to get help in the legal process necessary to restore them.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom on the third Tuesday of every month at 4:30 pm.
Voters Service Committee
Committee Objectives: In addition to conducting voter registration events and promoting online voter registration via VOTE411.org throughout the year, Voter Services produces and distributes at least 10,000 of the League's "Guide to Elected Officials", focuses on educating the electorate, organizes Candidate Forums and presentations on FL Constitutional Amendments, interviews local legislators, and initiates letter-writing campaigns.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet on Zoom the second Thursday of each month at 11:30 AM.
Charlyle Parrish, Chair
Jennifer Wasilenko, Chair
Women's Issues Committee
Committee Objectives: The Women’s Issues Committee focuses on the unique barriers that women face in the pursuit of social and political equality. Currently, we are focusing on women's reproductive health and the massive changes that HB5 and SB146 will impose on Floridians. They are also working on the plight of women in poverty, especially those that are incarerated.
Monthly Meetings: We currently meet in Zoom the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM.